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Zimbabwe in the REX system

From 1 July 2021, imports into the EU of products originating in Zimbabwe, made under the EPA EU-ESA Interim Economic Partnership Agreement (Journal of Laws UE L 111 of April 24, 2012, amendment of the EU Official Journal L 93 of March 27, 2020), benefits from the preferential tariff treatment provided for in this agreement on the basis of a proof of origin in the form of an “invoice declaration” (pattern in Annex IV to Protocol 1 to the EU-ESA EPA) drawn up by:

  • Zimbabwean exporter registered in the EU REX system;
  • or any Zimbabwean exporter (not registered in REX), but only for consignments up to a value of EUR 6,000.

However, until the European Commission publishes official notification on this matter, EUR.1 certificates, which will be issued temporarily by Zimbabwe, may also be used for importation into the EU.

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